UX Design

Simplifying government registrations


New product to bridge a gap between state governments and users

PRO is a new tool that empowers users to register a product electronically. In most states, a product must first be registered before you can distribute it legally which can prolong time-to-market as you much rely on snail mail and paper forms. PRO revolutionized this process by building an application for wineries to create and submit registrations and a portal for state administrators to approve them.
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  • Capture complex data - but make it feel simple
  • Make it so easy to learn - that no support time is necessary
  • Plan for multiple end-users - with very different user-stories

"Efficient and easy to use. So much better than the paper and mail applications."


Project Highlights

Crafted the lowest possible barrier of entry
We wanted to really impress newcomers by providing custom data with very little input. Users can see all of their products that they added on a third-party website, simply by searching for their name. This is the first time they have been able to see all of their products in a visual search. To start a registration, all they have to do is choose a product, which are sorted by most recent.

Made state registrations universal
The key to success was to make it universal so that it would work for any state's requirements, which can vary greatly in nomenclature and required fields. PRO applies the same process regardless of the form, so that the user can quickly learn the workflow. Allowances are made when a state requires a unique field.

Intentionally limited the experience
This free tool is available for everyone but has more features for clients. We wanted to create a knock-out experience that made newcomers want more, while strategically limiting capability to encourage an upgrade path. Through careful messaging and single sign on, it is clear that there is a better tool with more features.

What users are saying

"Light years ahead of any other form of online government compliance form filing. You guys rock."

"It's easy and fast - plus you have helpful explanations embedded in the pages"

"What a wonderfull system, you are the best of the best."


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